A guided discussion forum
Mapping the New Distrust:
Finding Growth in the Age of Uncertainty
At the end of 2024, I wrote several essays that carefully laid out the truth about the marketing world, what's really holding trust ventures back, and what we can believe about 2025 that is actually capable of producing results.
These essays were more read than anything I've ever published, shared widely, and produced a lot of questions and conversation. I want to make space for that conversation.
On January 9, I'll be teaching these concepts in greater depth and opening a free range Q&A session following. I am limiting the participants to make sure we can have the best conversation possible on these critical topics.
I hope to see you there.
Nick Richtsmeier, Founder CultureCraft
What to Expect at this Discussion Forum
First, Understand the Map
I have made several clear claims about the reality of the marketing landscape, why organic growth has slowed for trust businesses, and how the incentives for people protecting the status quo are harming businesses like yours. I'll help you recognize the signs and know what to do next. This will cover the first hour.
Then, accept the Age of Uncertainty
Trust is essential for value-first businesses like advice, education, creative, and consulting to grow. That trust has been willfully eroded over the last 15 years and firms and institutions have to accept this new age and decide what to do next.
Finally, get your questions answered
The last hour of the session will be an open Q&A, addressing your questions about how to evaluate your own growth objectives, what you are being told by agencies and vendors, and where to start in evaluating your options for change.
Thursday, January 9, 2024
11am - 11:20am: What the Long Digital Decade Cost Us
11:20am -11:40am: Signs You are Caught in the Age of Uncertainty
11:40am - Noon: Changes Required for Trust Ventures
Noon - 12:30pm: Q&A Session (topics related to forum)
12:30pm - 1pm: Ask Me Anything
Want to get ahead?
You can have whatever internet you want...
Just not that one. The open web is closed and now your customers have all the tools they need to avoid you.
Bigger Boats in a Bigger Storm
The fantasy that you could just podcast-SEO-blog-social media your way to a community of happy customers has ended. But the storm is just beginning.
Weaponized Nostalgia
Sacred cows are everywhere, and we've got to learn lessons we've been avoiding for years. These were Nick's hard lessons that finally became clear in 2024.