5 Questions Your Content Should Be Able To Answer

A quick reference as you create and evaluate your company’s content marketing

Content marketing has been around a long time. As far back as Benjamin Franklin if you want to get technical about it. At its very best, content marketing prepares your ideal customer for the promise of your brand, or the benefits and joys of your product. 

 Great content builds your brand a home in the imagination of your customer. 

 Unfortunately, there's a lot of junk floating around calling itself content marketing these days. And the worst part?

 Most of the people making it, don't have any idea that it is junk. 

 They think it's great. Or they at least think it's okay. But few of them would fess up and say, "Yeah, we made some junk there." 

 Why is that? 

 There's probably a lot of reasons but one of them is a lack of criteria in how content gets created and evaluated. Imagine a race with no clock, milk with no expiration date, or cars without emission standards.

 Without a way to measure how good something is, it's hard to know whether it's actually good or maybe just trash. 

 So, whether you're a brand that's already making content, or one that's getting ready to start, having some criteria in mind for evaluating your content marketing could be pretty handy. 


 Here are 5 Questions Your Content Should Be Able To Answer.

Of course, great content is only one piece of a brand’s working ecosystem - and all parts of the ecosystem should be well crafted and cared for in order for the brand to be at its very best.

Creating a brand that loves its customers, and whom customers love back, is no walk in the park. We know that. We work with brands everyday who are in some phase of that journey. But that’s what we love doing:

Walking alongside brands, and helping them get the very best of who they are out into the world.

Looking for more help on how to grow the brand you’ve always dreamed of? We’d love to hear from you.


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