Why Does Everything look like canva?
Like many other new tech solutions, Canva seems poised to revolutionize brand design and marketing with simplicity. But is it actually doing the work design should be doing? What should CEOs, conscience of every penny they’re spending, do to maximize their design?
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A few months back we stumbled across a series of ads for the state of Nebraska, that we hated. We thought they sucked and were going to write a piece about that. Until we found out that the ad was an unmitigated success. What did we get wrong, that the state of Nebraska got right?
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Many brands only have a vague sense of who their ideal customer is, and even more of them are unsure of how to speak a language that centers their customer, rather than themselves. We’ll break down some ideas for how to find your ideal customer, and speak straight to them, in this piece.
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There’s nothing quite like the past to provoke both feelings of joy and nostalgia. But for these 6 old marketing tools, updated for the emerging economy, there’s no time like the present. We talk through how each marketing tool has been updated to resonate with modern audiences, and how you can use them right now, today.
Read MoreIs Marketing Doing The Wrong Job?
Many marketers and marketing departments are doing the wrong job, and have been for awhile now. What’s a CEO to do? Get clear on marketing’s real job, and how to track whether it’s succeeding. You can find ideas on both right here.
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In the emerging economy, how brands attract attention has fundamentally changed (for the better). Now, instead of all-out advertising grabs, brands are learning to create something healthier, and more customer-focused. But what that looks like, and the strategy that governs its use is dependant on your industry and your brand’s place in it. We break it all down!
Read MoreFlame Broiled
Burger King has had an abysmal 2021, which apexed last month with the exit of a fourth marketing executive in this calendar year. How exactly did Burger King squander the promise of a 2020 that saw rising revenue and renewed appreciation? By trying to attract the wrong customer. We offer a cautionary tale to all brands looking to grow, especially those in emerging spaces.
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No matter how accessible digital spaces become for consumers, the truth is that there will always be a need and desire for brand interactions in the real world. Which should your brand be focusing on?
Read MoreWhy Marketing Sucks… But Doesn’t Have To
A fire has come in the marketing landscape, burning down the cheap, fast, and dishonest ways of the past. In its wake, something new will grow up. But what is that thing?
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