How culture makes brand
When a brand and its leaders have an actualized vision, that clarity is driven by focused answers to three questions.
The Strategy of Culture
Marketing vendors love to tell you they're going to start with "strategy." What they mean is they are going to spend 2-3 months getting you to pay them to do discovery work so they can decide what services to sell you next.
Or they'll sell you their "playbook" that they've done at other businesses like yours. Latching old tools from your competitors toolbox is going to do nothing to unlock trust. It's the fast track to mediocrity.
Growth Check is a full-system diagnostic of the most important fuel in your venture. Don't pay for another pitch. Pay for action.

When a brand and its leaders have an actualized vision centered on value creation for them, their constituents, and the populace at large, the engine for differentiation is set in motion. That clarity is driven by focused answers to three questions:
- Why do we exist?
- What would be lost if we didn't?
- Who should most benefit from our existence?

Clarity produces the opportunity to exchange value with the public in ways that are both honest and aspirational. Awareness is required for a brand to tell the truth about its products, its worth, and its aspirations.
The fulsomeness of that truth, delivered in culturally aware ways creates an addiction called trust which is the foundation of credibility and the exchange of value.

Trust, when it is cultivated, creates multilateral relationships: between the brand and its customers, among the customers, between the customers and prospects, between prospects and the brand, among team members, and the brand within its category.
That community is petri dish of culture. The agreements, reputation, conflict, feedback loops, micro and macro narratives that develop within it establish norms where trust is now credibility in 360° motion.

Culture is a living thing. As a brand builds culture it shifts the way the world works, alters perceptions, changes patterns of behavior.
The great brands create friction with the status quo, calling out future winners and losers of the world as it could or should be. The shift also—rightly—pressurizes the brand to go deeper about why it exists and what more it can do to serve its symbiotic community, expanding the exchange of value.

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Culture is a living thing. As a brand builds culture it shifts the way the world works, alters perceptions, changes patterns of behavior.

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