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how a simple newsletter strategy changed everything
Business Strategy, Business Plan, Recession Nick Richtsmeier Business Strategy, Business Plan, Recession Nick Richtsmeier

how a simple newsletter strategy changed everything

We're celebrating one entire year's worth of MADE volumes. In doing so, we decided to share some of our most hard-won and insightful lessons learned about making a weekly newsletter, and how you can make one too. Our sincerest thanks for lending us your inbox and attention for the past year. Here's to another 52!

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The Funnel Is Dead, Long Live The Funnel

The Funnel Is Dead, Long Live The Funnel

Marketers love to declare the death of the funnel. But when asked what new solutions they might have to address today’s marketing needs, too often their response is: A new funnel! The answer is not a new funnel. The answer isn’t even a marketing strategy. The answer starts with understanding and committing to your revenue strategy.

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