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formula for failed succession
strategy, Marketing Strategy Nick Richtsmeier strategy, Marketing Strategy Nick Richtsmeier

formula for failed succession

Successor leaders nearly always come into an organization in need of change. Depending on the Founder's awareness of their weaknesses, the change may be large or small, a revolution or evolution. Regardless, successors seldom are there to stay the course.

They must manage change. But the way they often go about it s a formula for a failed succession.

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strategy, Marketing Strategy Nick Richtsmeier strategy, Marketing Strategy Nick Richtsmeier


CEOs and their peers in the C-suite want marketing to do more and do better. Likewise, marketers want to see their work valued and work within their zone of strength.

But all too often, particularly in mid-market service firms like tech, wealth, and education, the Clash between executive culture and marketing culture enflames tension and frustration, dampening results.

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Spaghetti salad

Spaghetti salad

Customer journeys. Many brands treat them like clear, straightforward affairs. In reality, most customer journeys look more like spaghetti salad: interwoven, doubling back on themselves, difficult to tell where one piece ends, and another begins. We talk through some of the questions customers will ask at different stages of the process.

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