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Content is easy and other lies

Content is easy and other lies

In the late-stage digital marketing landscape, content is king. Brands everywhere have begun to realize that they will need to provide content to their customers to keep them engaged and generate revenue. But marketing gurus and ad agencies seem to talk about content like it’s easy. Like anyone can do it. So why is it so hard then? The answers, and ways to produce better content, inside.

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The Trend Giveth and the Trend Taketh Away

The Trend Giveth and the Trend Taketh Away

We’ve watched a number of high-profile brands take hits to their reputation, customer retention, and bottom line this past year. And the reason for it? Trend-chasing. We’ll give you 3 reasons trend chasing is a bad idea, especially as a primary strategy. And 1 thing you can actually learn from trends.

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Stand Out
Advertising, Strategy, Marketing Guest User Advertising, Strategy, Marketing Guest User

Stand Out

In the emerging economy, how brands attract attention has fundamentally changed (for the better). Now, instead of all-out advertising grabs, brands are learning to create something healthier, and more customer-focused. But what that looks like, and the strategy that governs its use is dependant on your industry and your brand’s place in it. We break it all down!

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Follow The Leader
Brand, Marketing, Trends, Leadership Guest User Brand, Marketing, Trends, Leadership Guest User

Follow The Leader

2021 saw the demise of attribution, rise of D2C to an epic scale, and a reinvention of what a transparent brand should look like if it wants to reach customers. Now 2022 promises even more change, and the need for brave brand leaders has never been more necessary. We lay out the case for courage and risk taking - the only way to stay competitive in 2022.

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Business Building, Social Media, Retail Guest User Business Building, Social Media, Retail Guest User


When cosmetics-giant Lush walked away from Social Media last week, they chose an uncertain future over one that could potentially hurt their customer. The catalyst was social media, but the choice had been made long ago. We break down a few of the lessons for brands in Lush’s decision, as well as whether brands should continue to engage with social media and how to navigate the murky waters.

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The Future Of Marketing Is Mercantile
Marketing, Futurism, Mercantile, Branding Nick Richtsmeier Marketing, Futurism, Mercantile, Branding Nick Richtsmeier

The Future Of Marketing Is Mercantile

The old methods of transactional marketing, widely used and abused for the past 20 years, have died a slow and painful death. In their ashes, something new in marketing is growing - something timeless, with roots in the era of face-to-face interaction, when reputation, community, and care were king and authentic relationships were a teaser of the future.

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